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Temora News Today

12-12-2009 to 12-13-2009
News From Abroad!!
Nothing like last minute show results, thought we were done for the year!
Anne Moilanen from Truozzys kennel went to Riga, Latvia for The Terrier Specialty. The judge was Ligita Zake from Latvia. MEGI (Temora's Make A Memory) took part in the competition.

Megi needed her last Latvian junior CAC to finish her Latvian and Estonian Junior Championship. She was BOB-junior as well as BOB with the last junior CAC and also with the title of LV CLW'09
Congrats to Anne & Megi!!!!


2009 has been a Great year and I have made new friends with not only people that have purchased dogs from me, but with other Breeders here in the USA and other countries as well.
We all share the same passion, the love of this wonderful little dog called the
Australian Terrier
Thank You All and have a Wonderful Holiday and Happy New Year!
Temora Australian Terriers


It has been busy around here, Siren has gone to a wonderful home with someone that already has an Aussie from me. Libby, after this litter, will be going to a home where she will become an agility-flyball-earthdog competitor and she will also compete in UKC shows. I will be seeing her at shows on occasion but she will be in performance events now. I will be keeping one of her puppies to go forward with. Paris has been bred to Rufus and she leaves on the 17th to go to Scotland/England for a year to whelp (if she is pregnant, to early to know) and to hopefully gain her UK title. She will be a American and UK Champion by the time she returns in 2011 (so we hope). She will be staying with my friend Sheila Stoddart. I have Rufus from Sheila right now until next year when he will return to Scotland. Piffin has a possible home as well, he may be leaving at the end of the year to go on to new adventures. It sounds like the perfect home for him as they have had rescues before and are familiar with the type of personality he has. Babee's bite is off, so she will be placed as a pet in the next couple of weeks with a friends sister who lost her aussie last year.


Early next year I will be getting in a puppy from Estonia. She is out of a bitch that was sired by Temora's American Express (Yankee). So Bully (CH Temora Bully For You) will be this little girls Great-Grandsire.
Her name is 'Syn' (pronounced 'Sin')
Armirelli About Sin AKA Syn



​10-31-2009 to 11-1-2009
News From Abroad!
Anne Moilanen and Megi (Temora's Make a Memory) went to Riga, Lativa for 3 shows in 2 days, one being a Terrier Specialty.
Megi was competing for her JCAC and Crufts Qualification Award Card and won her class, got both prizes and was Best Bitch 2!
The same day was the Terrier Specialty and she was 2nd in her class with an 'Excellent'
Megi won her second JCAC and was again Best Bitch 2!
Congratulations to Anne and Megi!


Libby had 8 Puppies
4 Boys
4 Girls
All red but one b/t boy and one b/t girl
Mom and Babies are doing well & Dad is eating the cigars


Libby is close to whelping, she is trying to dig holes in my closet, but she can not get past the shoes! She tried to get under the bed, but can't squeeze her stomach past the frame. This can go on all day and night and preceeds whelping, so I am expecting her to whelp either tonight or tomorrow.


Remaining DNA is back on Sini and the Hertzler boy, both are by Rufus!
So of the 8, Rufus sired 6 and Bull sired 2, not exactly an even split, but it gave me what I wanted as far as a variety and decision of who to keep. (Of course all of this depends on if I read the DNA correctly, but once you follow the directions, it is pretty easy especially since Rufus and Bull are not related in any way)


HAVE THE DNA BACK on 6 of the 8 puppies!
So far we have the following:
Rufus has sired:
The two red boys of course
Also G Wynnes puppy boy (has a red collar)
J Dentons puppy girl (has a blue collar)
Bull has sired:
A Bjorks puppy girl (has a green collar)
W Howes puppy girl (has a red collar)
Still waiting on the girl I am keeping (Sini) and S Hertzlers boy
Will keep everyone posted!
Once I get them all back, it all goes back to AKC with all the DNA forms on puppies and sires and dam so they can be registered.
This has been a very long process, but well worth the wait and actually for me, very exciting!


UK/AM Champion Millvalley Red Rufus is the first EVER Dual Champion Australian Terrier! The Breeder of Rufus and the Historian for the U.K. have been researching this extensively and they have (double) confirmed that Rufus is the FIRST Australian Terrier to obtain not only his U.K. Championship but his AKC Championship as well!
How exciting to be part of this Historic Moment!


Spoke to AKC today, results are in for the DNA on Sirens litter, they have to sort through them and then the paperwork will be sent to me next week! Excited to see who is from whom!


For those that have emailed me to ask, yes, the photo on the front of Marge Reigniers website page (Crestwood Australian Terriers) is one I took. I was helping Marge get her website started with some good photos of her dogs:) There are more, she has not posted them as of yet.



10-1-2009 to 10-4-2009
News From the Homefront!
We were off to PA this weekend for the last big Terrier show of the year.
It was lots of fun and had a good time with friends.
Millvalley Red Rufus (Rufus) won Winners Dog and BOW
Temora Where The Magic Begins (Mikki) won RWB
CH Kambaras Bella Macchina (Lil) won BOS.
Lil's dam is a CH Temora's Flight to Kambara (Hart).
Lil was bred by Craig & Anne Mitchell and is owned by Mary Hall.
Congratulations to Anne & Craig & Mary for this win!
Lil finished her Championship undefeated in her classes!
This was the Raritan Specialty Show
Millvalley Red Rufus (Rufus) won WD & BOW for a 3 point major, he is now:
UK/AM CH Millvalley Red Rufus
Temora Where The Magic Begins (Mikki) won WB for a 3 point major as well, she is now:
CH Temora Where The Magic Begins
Both Rufus and Mikki finished their AKC Championships and it was great day for all of us.
Rufus's Breeder Sheila Stoddart of Millvalley Australian Terriers (Scotland) was there to see her boy finish his Championship in style.
Now that Mikki and Rufus were done, I focused on Teddi (Temora Theodora Rose).
She won her class, but did not go further than that for the day
Sunday (Montgomery Show)
Temora's Theodora Rose (Teddi) went Reserve Winners Bitch.
She did very very good considering the competition which was quite heavy, I am very proud of her.
Best of Breed went to CH Kambara's Zebulon who's dam is CH Temora's Flight to Kambara (Hart).
I was very proud of his win.
Congratulations go to Craig & Anne Mitchell owners and Breeders of Zeb!


News From the Homefront!
We are off to the Montgomery shows in Blue Bell PA. I am driving the 12 hour drive starting tonight and finishing tomorrow.
The Montgomery Cluster is the largest terrier show in the USA. On Sunday, which is a the terrier only portion of the show, there are 1858 terrier entered. That is a LOT of terriers!
Rufus, Paris, Mikki and Teddi are going.
We will be meeting up with old friends, including Sheila from Scotland who is flying in tomorrow. All of us meeting up are planning on having a good time whether we win or loose!
Wish us luck!


We have confirmation that Libby is Pregnant, she is due around the end of October
The ultrasound detected about 6 puppies


News From The Homefront!
Temora's Theodora Rose (Teddi) is competing in agility as well as conformation shows. Here is what happened at todays agility meet as reported by her owner Leslie Fischer:
Her first run today was Jumpers W/ Weaves. She had a clean run-perfect, no errors- w/ a course time of 27.25 seconds. Her qualifying run was scored at a perfect 100 points . For her qualifying perfect score w/ a course time of 27.25, she not only Q'ed, but she qualified w/ a blue ribbon for first place. Now get this: in 27.25 sec.s, she went over 14 jumps and one set of weaves and covered 95 feet of ground, perfectly. Told you she was fast!!
Congratulations Leslie & Teddi!!!!






​09-05-2009 - 09-06-2009
News From the Homefront!
We were at the Kenosha KC shows this weekend.
Millvalley Red Rufus (Rufus) won WD & BOB
Temora Theodora Rose (Teddi) won WB & BOS
Rufus did nothing in group as he was too busy acting like a goof :)
Millvalley Red Rufus (Rufus) won WD & BOB
Temora Where The Magic Begins (Mikki) won WB & BOS
Temora Theodora Rose (Teddi) won RWB


08-28-2009 - 8-30-2009
News From the Homefront!
Rufus went to the Marquete MI shows this weekend with my friend Chris Hajek.
Millvalley Red Rufus (Rufus) won BOB
Millvalley Red Rufus (Rufus) won BOB
Millvalley Red Rufus (Rufus) won BOB


8-21-2009 to 8-23-2009
News From the Homefront!
TaTa was at the WA shows with weekend with Susan. I had shows in IL to attend, but Siren is due to have puppies any time now, so I decided to stay home as she is feeling and looking very very uncomfortable.
CH Temora Taint She Sweet (TaTa) won BOS
Ch Temora Taint She Sweet (TaTa) won BOB and made the cut in group
CH Temora Taint She Sweet (TaTa) won BOS
Congratulations to Sue and TaTa!


News From the Homefront!
CH Temora's Flight to Kambara RE (Hart) got her Rally Excellent this weekend, hence the RE now behind her name!
Congratulations Anne & Craig!!


8-14-2009 to 8-16-2009
News From the Homefront!
I was in Marshfield WI for some small shows with Rufus
Libby and Mikki came along with the ride, we have a small cabin about an hour from the show site so we also spent time there.
Millvalley Red Rufus (Rufus) won WD & BOW
We got done and it was still early so we headed back to the cabin and went to Castle Rock Lake where I took the dogs swimming.
Rufus took right to it, Mikki after a bit of thinking jumped right in and then we walked along the beach where Rufus found a dead carp on the sand and he decided that the 'Proper' thing to do was to roll on the dead fish!
(Libby came up with my husband so she was not there yet)
Millvalley Red Rufus (Rufus) won WD BOW & BOB from the classes
(I apologized to the judge for the fact my dog smelled like a fish)
Millvalley Red Rufus (Rufus) won WD & BOW
We had a good weekend and the dogs had fun playing, chasing rabbits and chipmunks, swimming and sleeping in bed.


8-7-2009 to 8-10-2009
News From The Homefront!
We are at the Racine/Cudahy shows this weekend, Rufus - Mikki (Sat&Sun only)- Teddi are entered
Millvalley Red Rufus (Rufus) won Winners Dog & Best of Breed! (BOB)
Temora's Theodora Rose (Teddi) won Winners Bitch and BOS
Today we had a Huge front come through, after postponing the show for an hour, it was canceled due to the lightening, so now we wait for tomorrow
Millvalley Red Rufus (Rufus) won Winners Dog & BOB
Temora Where the Magic Begins (Mikki) won Winners Bitch & BOS
Temora's Theodora Rose (Teddi) won RWB
Millvalley Red Rufus (Rufus) won WD & BOB
With this win, Rufus only needs a major to complete his AKC Championship
After adding up Mikki's points, she also needs just one major to complete her AKC Championship
Teddi still needs both majors and a couple minor points, but she is well on her way!



7-27-2009 to 7-28-2009
News From the Homefront!
Temora's Theodora Rose (Teddi) was at the Burlington KC
She won WB & BOB!
Another point towards her Championship!
Temora's Theodora Rose (Teddi) was once again at the Burlington KC show She won WB & BOB!
Another point towards her Championship!


7-25-2009 to 7-26-2009
News From The Homefront!
Millvalley Red Rufus (Rufus) won WD, BW, BOS for 2 points under Judge Michael Dougherty
Temora Where the Magic Begins (Mikki) won WB for 2 points
Millvalley Red Rufus (Rufus) won WD & BOS for 2 points under Judge Ray Bay
Temora's Theodora Rose (Teddi) won RWB
Congratulations to Teddi & Leslie!
Teddi is looking better and better every time I see her!



News From The Homefront!
Kishwaukee KC in Belvidere IL
Temora's Theodora Rose (Teddi) won WB & BOS on Sunday
Congratulations to Leslie & Teddi!


News From Abroad!
Temora's Make a Memory (Megi) was at the Valga Estonia shows.
She won BB-2, BOS - Junior and got her Junior CAC!
Congratulations Eva & Anne & Megi!





AKC has confirmed, TaTa is now: CH Temora Taint She Sweet!
CH Temora Bully For You X Ch Benayr All About Me
Owned by Susan Bentley


6-18-2009 to 6-19-2009
News From the Homefront!
Temora's Theodora Rose (Teddi) was at the Cambridge MN shows
She won WB and BOS on Thursday!
Temora's Theodora Rose (Teddi) won RWB
Congratulations to Leslie Fischer and Teddi!


6-12-2009 to 6-14-2009
News From The Homefront!
We were at the Grayslake IL show this Weekend!
Temora Where The Magic Begins (Mikki) was WB and BOW
Millvalley Red Rufus (Rufus) was WD
Temora Where The Magic Begins (Mikki) was WB and BOW & Best Bred -By, She then took a Group 3 in the Bred-by Group!
Millvalley Red Rufus (Rufus) was WD
Temora Where The Magic Begins (Mikki) was RWB
Millvalley Red Rufus (Rufus) was RWD
It was a very GOOD weekend!


6-7-2009 to 6-8-2009
News From The Homefront!
Temora Taint She Sweet (TaTa) was in the Puyallup WA shows this weekend.
TaTa won WB and BOB from the classes over the Special entered under Judge Virginia Lyne!
TaTa won WB and BOS under Judge Ray Bay
It has not been confirmed, but these wins may have finished her Championship. will post that update as soon as it is available
Congratulations Susan And TaTa!


​5-22-2009 to 5-25-2009
News From the Homefront and our National Show in Hampton VA!
First, Let me introduce you to my new import: UK CH Millvalley Red Rufus (Rufus) from the U.K.
Rufus is here for one year to show and to enhance my breeding program
I am very excited and I got to meet his Breeder - Sheila Stoddart from Scotland as she came to our National this weekend as well to watch the competition.
Rufus is an asset to my breeding program and I am very very excited.
He will be up on the 'Males' page as soon as I get organized after coming home from a very very busy weekend.


Friday 5-22-2009
This was the day of our National
There were 89 Australian Terriers entered

I had entered: Paris, Rufus & Mikki

Temora Where the Magic Begins (Mikki) won the Puppy sweepstakes!
She also placed 3rd in the Bred-By class
Millvalley Red Rufus (Rufus) placed 4th in the open class
(Even though he is a UK Champion, he has to start all over in the states and gain his AKC Championship before he can be lised as a UK AM Champion.)
CH Temora's The Simple Life (Paris) won BOS (Best of Opposite)
A VERY Good Day to say the least and the competition was very very heavy, some wonderful dogs were being shown.


Saturday 5-23-2009
Millvalley Red Rufus (Rufus) was shown by his Owner/Breeder - Sheila today and placed 2nd in his class and took Reserve Winners Dog!
Temora Where the Magic Begins (Mikki) also placed 2nd in the Bred-By class
Paris, on top of her game again won BOS


Sunday 5-24-2009
Millvalley Red Rufus (Rufus) placed 2nd in his class once again
Temora Where the Magic Begins (Mikki) WON the Bred-By class and then won the 5 point major by going Winners Bitch!
Paris showed well, but did nothing


Monday 5-25-2009
Millvalley Red Rufus (Rufus) won his class and also won Winners Dog and Best of Winners for a 5 point major!
Temora Where the Magic Begins (Mikki) won her Bred-By class again and also took Reserve Winners Bitch
Paris once again showed well, but did nothing

I am extremely proud of my dogs and they did an excellent job of showing and I could not be happier with the results for the entire weekend!
It was great fun and it was wonderful to see old friends and meet new people, and Sheila Stoddart, thank you again for the Birthday present.
I would also like to thank Santiago Pinto and Craig and Anne Mitchell for helping me celebrate my birthday on Sunday, although with Mikki taking the major, that was a present enough

Also in the news:


On Monday 5-25-2009
Temora's Taint She Sweet (TaTa) was shown at the Spokane WA shows and won a major by going Winners Bitch (WB) and Best of Breed (BOB) over the Special entered
Congratulations Susan Bentley & TaTa!


5-1-2009 to 5-2-2009
News From the Homefront
Temora Where The Magic Begins (Mikki)
Temora Genr8tion Next (GenX)
Temora's Living The Life of Riley (Riley)
were at the Dairyland Classic shows this weekend
GenX won RWD on Friday and Mikki won RWB on Friday as well
GenX won RWD on Saturday and Mikki won WB on Saturday for another point towards her Championship
Riley decided he was not going to show himself this weekend and acted like a Goof the entire time.

4-25-2009 to 4-26-2009
News From the Homefront!
Temora Taint She Sweet (TaTa) owned by Susan Bentley went to the Walla Walla shows in WA this weekend and won WB & BOS both days.
Congratulations Sue and TaTa!


News From the Homefront
Temora's Genr8tion Next (GenX) got his first point today from the bred-by class.
He was Winners Dog & BOS
Temora Where the Magic Begins (Mikki) also got her first point today from the bred -by class and it was also her first show!
She was Winners Bitch and BOW
I am very proud of both my guys, they handled the show very very well and GenX thanked me by peeing on my shoe. :)
Thank You Judge Wayne Bousek!
Also in the News:
Temora Taint She Sweet (TaTa) who is a litter mate of Mikki's and owned by Susan Bentley took WB and BOS on Saturday at the Lewiston ID show on Sunday and WB and BOB on Monday!
These were also TaTa's first shows!
Congratulations to Susan Bentley!


News From Abroad
Temora's Make A Memory (Megi) was in her first show this weekend, she was Best Puppy!
Congratulations to Anne and Eva her owners!

"7 months, sweet young miss, nice whole and proportions, feminim head &
expression, sufficient angulation, good body, impatient young lady who
doesnt want to show her movement, good temeprament."

Judge was Marit Sunde, Norway


News From Abroad
CONGRATULATIONS to Anne Moilanen Breeder of
Truozzy's Hand in Hand - Missy
Reserve Bitch Challenge Winner at Crufts in England today!
Missy is sired by Temora's American Express - Yankee
Crufts is the largest Dog Show in the World today, your dog has to qualify the year before to be invited to attend this prestigious event.


2-28-2009 to 3-1-2009
News From the Homefront
Temora's Theodora Rose (Teddi) won winners bitch on Saturday and Reserve Winners bitch on Sunday
Temora's Genr8tion Next (GenX) had his first show this weekend!
He did very good on Saturday, but did not place
He won Reserve Winners Dog on Sunday!


1- 31- 2009 to 2-1-2009
News From The Homefront
Temora's Theodora Rose (Teddi) owned by Leslie & Alec Fischer, took her first point today at the Green Bay KC under Janie Bousek!
Teddi is a beautiful girl that is also in training to compete in agility
Watch for this girl in 2009!




All photographs and content are the exclusive property of Temora Australian Terriers.

Copyright © 2025  Temora Australian Terriers, all rights reserved.
TEMORA is an AKC Registered Prefix

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