est. 1995
Where quality is not an act, it's a habit
Breeder of Multiple BEST IN SHOW & Multiple BEST IN SPECIALTY SHOW Australian Terriers!

December 22, 2008
Merry Christmas & A Wonderful New Year!
Another year has come and gone.
Seems like it was just yesterday that the new year was beginning, and now it is over....
We have had a WONDERFUL year,
4 out of 5 of my kids have graduated from one school or another and have started off on new adventures or a new school
Jim and I both still have our jobs and our health in these turbulent times
The dogs have done very well,
Libby, Siren and Paris finished their AKC Championships
Paris (CH Temoras The Simple Life) won the Breed at the Prestigious Montgomery Show in October
She also finished the year #17 Breed and #19 All-Breed.
Considering she was shown but a few times, I have no complaints on her standings for the year
I have made many new friends and have strengthend my old friendships here and abroad.
Thank You to all that have made 2008 a Wonderful Year
To all that check my site for updates, may you all have a Wonderful Holiday and I hope for all that have a Puppy/adult from
Temora Kennels that you enjoy many many years of happiness with your new addition!
Julie Seaton & Family
Temora Australian Terriers
November 9, 2008
Finland Bound!
Eva Funk and Mikki Dugert came to the USA from Finland to pick up Megi (Temora's Make a Memory) and
Rego (Temora Val-Miko-Se-Nyt-Oli).
Both puppies are from the 7-30-08 CH Temora's Bully For You X CH Truozzy's Black Delilah litter.
Good luck to Anne Moilanen (co-owner) Eva and Mikki!
November 1, 2008
Although this is not 'Dog Related', it is still worth putting on the 'News' page
Danielle entered her Brother Bryan in the 'Walk In Nick's Shoes' JDRF walk-a-thon in Los Angeles CA, and Bryan WON!
He and Danielle (winner got to take one guest) went to Los Angeles for the trip to participate in the Walk-A-Thon and to meet Nick Jonas
of the Famed Jonas Brothers Trio!
Of course, Danielle, being a Nick Jonas fan, this was a Dream come True!
From what the kids have told me, Nick Jonas is a very nice young man and they had a GREAT time!
In the photo below, Danielle is directly to the right of Nick Jonas and Bryan is behind her in the Badger Baseball Cap.
Congratulations to Marge Reignier!
She finished Betsy - Crestwoods Temoras Best Bet at the Hatboro Show on 10-3-2008
This gives Kizzi, (Ch Benayr No Hugs, Just Kizzi) her 5th offspring to finish their AKC Championship!
Kizzi was my foundation bitch for my breeding program.
This also qualifies Kizzi to get her ROM - Excellent (Registry of Merit)
Her finished Offspring are:
CH Temora Bully For You - male
CH Crestwoods Temora's Flashback - male
CH Crestwoods Temoras Best Bet - female
CH Temoras Flight To Kambara CGC RN - female
CH Temora's CC & Koke - female
10-2-2008 to 10-5-2008
News From the Homefront
Santiago has Riley & Paris and they are off to the Hatboro-Devon and Montgomery Shows in PA
The Hatboro and Devon Shows are All-Breed Shows
The Montgomery Show is an All - Terrier Show on Sunday.
The normal entry for the this show is about 2500 Terriers
For Terrier lovers it is the Utimate Terrier Show of Massive Proportions and a Must-See at least once in a Lifetime:)
Temora's Living The Life of Riley (Riley) won Reserve Winners Dog
CH Temora's The Simple Life (Paris) won Best of Opposite!!! Yeah!!
Sunday - Montgomery Show
Temora's Living The Life of Riley (Riley) won Reserve Winners Dog
and CH Temora's The Simple Life (Paris) WON BEST OF BREED!!!!!!!!
Thank you to Santiago and his fiance - Jennifer, I am so proud of my girl and Riley and extremely grateful to Santiago and Jennifer
for showing both dogs to their fullest potential!!!!
Congrats to Laura Stropes and her son McKim, from what I hear, everyone is in love with Riley and his personality.
9-26-2008 to 9-28-2008
News from the Homefront!
Paris & Riley go with Santiago Pinto to Monroe Michigan for the Michigan Terrier Show and All-Breed Show
Friday (Michigan Terrier Show)
Temora's Living The Life of Riley (Riley) won 1st place in his class, Best of Winners and Best Puppy!
CH Temora's The Simple Life (Paris) won Best of Opposite (BOS)
Saturday (All-Breed Show)
Paris won BOS today!
Riley is not entered today or tomorrow
Paris won BOS today, I am very happy and proud of her
9-18-2008 to 9-21-2008
News from the Homefront!
CH Temora's The Simple Life (Paris) went to Atlanta GA for the Atlanta Terrier Show and the All-Breed shows for the Weekend
She is being handled by Santiago Pinto
CH Temora's The Simple Life (Paris) won Best of Opposite (BOS)!
CH Temora's The Simple Life (Paris) won Best of Breed (BOB) today under Judge Norman Patton!
CH Temora's The Simple Life (Paris) won Best of Breed (BOB) today under Judge Fred Ferris!
CH Temora's The Simple Life (Paris) won Best of Opposite (BOS)
8-29-08 to 8-31-08
News from the Homefront!
CH Temora's The Simple Life - Paris, went to Marquette MI with Handler Chris Hajek.
This was a small show and a good practice show for Paris who needs training to become a 'Special'.
(Specials, are dogs that have finished their AKC Championsip and now go out to win points in Breed and All-Breed for yearly standings with the AKC)
Paris won Best of Breed (BOB) and a Group 3 Placement!
Paris won Best of Breed
Paris won BOB and a Group 3 Placement!
News From Abroad!
Temoras Bully Boy Blue (Caesar) who is owned by Irene Thye (Kisamba Kennels) in Denmark went to a 3 Day show in Portugal
National Show - Judge Keith Lowell
Exc 1 CAC & BOB
Notes: Correct type, good balance, Sound mover G Head, eyes & mouth. Exc Front, neck could be longer.
VG hindquarters, tail could be placed higher.Correct Coat
National Show - Judge Joyce O'Connor
Exc 1 CAC & BOB
Notes: Nice Type, nice overall, size and balanced, correct ear placement, nice dark eyes, nice length of neck, good topline and tailset.
Nice developed body, nice drive
Int show - Judge Judit Averis
8-8-08 to 8-10-08
News From the Homefront!
We are at the Racine-Cudahy KC show this weekend in Racine WI
Riley is making his debut in the ring this weekend.
Temora's Living The Life of Riley (Riley) won Winners Dog and Best of Opposite today for his first Major in his first show!
Riley is owned by Laura Stopes and myself.
The judge (Ann Hearn) loved his head and personality and commented that he is the correct style and type of dog for this Breed.
She projects he will be an awesome dog when he matures.
Crestwood Temoras Best Bet (Betsy) wonWinners Bitch.
(This is a dog that I bred that is owned by Marge Reignier)
Kambaras Viper Sniper (Ayla) won Reserve Winners Bitch
Libby was entered as well, but since my daughter Julie was not showing her today, she decided she was not going to behave :(
I did not show Riley today, we were running late
Crestwoods Temoras Best Bet (Besty) won Winners Bitch
Temoras Maid in America (Libby) won Reserve Winners Bitch
Temoras Maid in America (Libby) won Winners Bitch!
She is now: CH Temoras Maid in America
Temoras Living the Life of Riley (Riley) once again wowed the judge (Robert Moore) and picked up his 2nd major by going Winners Dog and Best of Opposite
Judge Moore said "This boy is going to be an AWESOME dog when he grows up"
His owner Laura Stropes and her son McKim were there to cheer Riley on!
7-26-2008 to 7-27-2008
News From the Homefront!
We went to the Waukesha KC this weekend in Waukesha WI
It is a major in bitches both days with heavy competition
Temora's The Simple Life (Paris) won Winners Bitch & Best of Winners!
She is now: CH Temora's The Simple Life
Paris was started and finished in the Bred-By Exhibitors class, this automatically qualifies her for two years for the AKC Invitational
Temora's Maid in America (Libby) won Reserve Winners Bitch with my daughter Julie expertly handling her!
Temora's Maid in America (Libby) won Winners Bitch for a 5 POINT MAJOR!
She had very heavy competition and again was shown beautifully by my daughter Julie.
With this win, Libby now has both majors and needs just 3 points to finish her Championship!
I congratulate my daughter Julie for practicing with Libby and accomplishing this incredible feat!
In 2004-2005 prior to my transplant, I had numerous hypoglycemic seizures.
Most times, my family or friends were there to save my life.
But on several occasions, Bull (CH Temora Bully For You) saved me.
In one instance, after a seizure and where I had passed out in my office and my head hit the table I kept files on (and susequently removed the corner of that table), Bull stayed with me while I was unconscious and pestered me until I woke up.
After stumbling upstairs where I attempted to lay down again, he kept after me until I got up and drank some juice.
He kept after me even after that until he must have sensed that my blood sugar had come up, only then did he finally stop trying to get me up and moving.
It was not until later, when I fully came out of the after effects of the seizure, that I realized that the stain on the carpet was not koolaid as my husband had thought, but blood from where my head hit the table.
We did not realize what Bull had done until all this had sunk in.
Bull in staying with me and waking me up, saved my life.
Bull had done this before, but not to the magnitude he did this time.
Every year the American Kennel Club (AKC) accepts nominations for the Award for Canine Excellence (ACE) award.
Bull was submitted this year for this prestigious award.
As of today, he is an official nominee for the 2008 ACE award.
7-12-2008 to 7-13-2008
News From the Homefront!
We traveled to Belleville IL this weekend for a two day show
Temora's The Simple Life (Paris) won Winners Bitch AND Best of Breed!
Temora's Iza Belle of the Ball (Izzy) won Reserve Winners Bitch
Temora's The Simple Life (Paris) won Winners Bitch AND Best of Breed! - With these weekend wins, Paris needs just 3 points to finish her AKC Championship!
Temora's Iza Belle of the Ball (Izzy) won Reserve Winners Bitch
6-19-2008 to 6-22-2008
News From the Homefront!
We are at Valparaiso IN for a 4 Day Cluster Show
Siren needs 4 points to finish her AKC Championship. (There was an error during the 5-2 to 5-4 shows and the wrong dog got Sirens points!)
She needs to win each day to get those 4 points
Truozzys Black Delilah (Siren) won Winners Bitch AND Best of Breed over the Special today!
Kambaras Viper Sniper (Ayla) won Reserve Winners Bitch
Truozzys Black Delilah (Siren) won Winners Bitch & Best of Opposite (BOS)
Kambaras Viper Sniper (Ayla) won Reserve Winners Bitch
Truozzys Black Delilah (Siren) won Winners Bitch & Best of Opposite (BOS)
Kambaras Viper Sniper (Ayla) won Reserve Winners Bitch
Truozzys Black Delilah (Siren) won Winners Bitch & Best of Opposite (BOS), THIS WIN COMPLETED HER AKC CHAMPIONSHIP!!!
Congratulations to Anne Moilanen, Breeder of this beautiful girl!
Kambaras Viper Sniper (Ayla) won Reserve Winners Bitch
6-13-08 to 6-14-08
News From the Homefront!
We are at Grayslake IL for the All-Breed Show (Friday) and All-Terrier Show (Saturday)
CH Temora Bully For You (Bull) won Best of Breed!
Temoras The Simple Life (Paris) won Winners Bitch
Temora's Theodora Rose (Teddi) won Reserve Winners Bitch
Temoras The Simple Life (Paris) won Winners Bitch
Temora's Theodora Rose (Teddi) won Reserve Winners Bitch
We had to let our Golden Retriever go today.
Ceasar gave us 13 years of fun and love.
He was a great Hunting dog for my husband, and a wonderful companion to the rest of us.
Of course he was my husbands dog, and he lit up when Jim walked into a room
His love for hunting was legendary, and he retrieved many pheasants and grouse and on occasion, a duck or two.
We will miss you forever ole man, you will have many friends waiting for you over the Rainbow Bridge including Ike and Abe,
You are all loved, now and forever.........
News from the Homefront!
We were in Wheaton IL Saturday with the 10 month old Puppies
Temora Iza Belle of the Ball (Izzy) won winners Bitch and her first point!
Temora's Theodora Rose (Teddi) - owned by Leslie & Alec Fischer won Reserve Winners Bitch
5-30-08 to 5-31-08
News from the Homefront!
We are at Woodstock IL this weekend!
Truozzys Black Delilah (Siren) won Winners Bitch
Kambara's Viper Sniper (Ayla) won Reserve Winners Bitch
Kambara's Viper Sniper (Ayla) won Winners Bitch
Truozzys Black Delilah (Siren) won Reserve Winners Bitch
5-2-08 to 5-4-08
News From the Homefront!
We are at the Badger KC in Jefferson all weekend!
Temora's The Simple Life (Paris) won Winners Bitch & the 3 point major!
It is her first major and she showed beautifully
Temora's Maid in America (Libby) won Reserve Winners Bitch
Temora's The Simple Life (Paris) won Winners Bitch and another 3 point major!
Truozzys Black Delilah (Siren) won Reserve Winners Bitch
Truozzys Black Delilah (Siren) won Winners Bitch today!
This gives Siren two more points towards her Championship, she now needs only 3 points to finish!
Temora's Maid in America (Libby) won Reserve Winners Bitch (she spent the entire time jumping around the ring, we should have named her 'Pogo')
​4-10-2008 to 4-13-2008
News From the National!
Well, we are back from the National, it was a wonderful weekend and considering the competition, I was happy with the results.
On Thursday, Paris (Temoras The Simple Life) took 4th place in the Bred-by Exhibitors (BBE) class,
Samson (CH Temora Bulls Eye) got an Award of Merit (AOM)
On Friday, (This was our National Show) Paris took 4th place in the BBE class and Samson again, took an AOM
On Saturday, Paris took 2nd place in the BBE class
On Sunday, Paris WON the BBE class (against heavy competition!) and Samson made the cut for Best of Breed
The whole weekend was exhausting, but fun, and I learned much from all, and hope that with the knowledge I gained, it will improve what I am
already doing in my Breeding Program.
3-15-2008 to 3-16-2008
News from Abroad
Anne spent weekend in Baltia at the Latvian and Lithuanian Winner Shows, with fabulous results!
Results from Lithuania:
Temora's American Express (Yankee) Reserve-CACIB->CACIB
Results from Latvia:
Temora's American Express (Yankee) BD-2, Reserve-CACIB->CACIB
Yankee just needs two more CACIB's and then he is an International Champion !!
News from Craig & Anne Mitchell
Temoras Walk in Kambara Park (Parker) once again took Winners Dog in AZ
This was his 2nd win this weekend (5 day show)
News from the Homefront
Temora's Maid in America (Libby) took winners bitch for a 4 point major today!
Truozzys Black Delilah (Siren) was Reserve Winners bitch
CH Temora's Bulls Eye (Samson) took Best of Opposite
Overall , we had a GREAT weekend!
News from the Homefront
Truozzys Black Delilah (Siren) took winners bitch for a 4 point major today.
Temora's Maid in America was Reserve Winners bitch
CH Temora's Bulls Eye (Samson) was Best of Opposite.
Siren now has both her majors and just needs 5 points to finish her American Championship!
Congratulations to her Breeder - Anne Moilanen!
1-19-08 & 1-20-08
News from Craig & Anne Mitchell
Temoras Walk in Kambara Park (Parker) went to his first show at the age of 7 months and went Best of Winners on both Saturday and Sunday picking up his first point as a puppy.
Congratulations Craig, Anne & Parker!!!
News From Finland and Anne Moilanen
Yankee did his best!
Yankee visited Tarto, Estonia, and got EST CAC under judge Matti Luoso. Yankee became Estonian Champion (EST CH) as well as Latvian Champion (LV CH) - in his first possible show after turning 2 years old.
Yankee's titles are now as follows:
EST CH & LV CH BALT JCH, EST JCH & LV JCH & LTU JCH JWW'06 & PL JW'06 & PZ JW'06, LTU VJW'07, EST JW'07 Temora's American Express
Congratulations Anne & Yankee!!!!